UnlockComponent('30-day trial'); if ($success != true) { print $mailman->lastErrorText() . "\n"; exit; } // To use a SOCKS4 or SOCKS5 proxy, simply set the following // properties prior to making any calls that communicate with // an SMTP server: // The SOCKS hostname may be a domain name or // IP address: $mailman->put_SocksHostname('www.mysocksproxyserver.com'); $mailman->put_SocksPort(1080); $mailman->put_SocksUsername('myProxyLogin'); $mailman->put_SocksPassword('myProxyPassword'); // Set the SOCKS version to 4 or 5 based on the version // of the SOCKS proxy server: $mailman->put_SocksVersion(5); // Note: SOCKS4 servers only support usernames without passwords. // SOCKS5 servers support full login/password authentication. // Set the SMTP server. $mailman->put_SmtpHost('smtp.chilkatsoft.com'); // Set the SMTP login/password (if required) $mailman->put_SmtpUsername('myUsername'); $mailman->put_SmtpPassword('myPassword'); // Create a new email object $email = new CkEmail(); $email->put_Subject('This is a test'); $email->put_Body('This is a test'); $email->put_From('Chilkat Support '); $success = $email->AddTo('Chilkat Admin','admin@chilkatsoft.com'); // Call SendEmail to connect to the SMTP server and send. // The connection (i.e. session) to the SMTP server remains // open so that subsequent SendEmail calls may use the // same connection. $success = $mailman->SendEmail($email); if ($success != true) { print $mailman->lastErrorText() . "\n"; exit; } // Some SMTP servers do not actually send the email until // the connection is closed. In these cases, it is necessary to // call CloseSmtpConnection for the mail to be sent. // Most SMTP servers send the email immediately, and it is // not required to close the connection. We'll close it here // for the example: $success = $mailman->CloseSmtpConnection(); if ($success != true) { print 'Connection to SMTP server not closed cleanly.' . "\n"; } print 'Mail Sent!' . "\n"; ?>